Published and Unpublished Works:


Monograph: Florian Küchler, 2008, The Role of the European Union in Moldova’s Transnistria Conflict, Stuttgart, ibidem, ISBN 3898218503 (pbk), 158 pp. (Links: EN/RO/RU Summary, DE Review, Reference by the EU Country of Return Project, Reference by the Italian Senate, for German and Russian radio interviews see bottom of this page)

Book Chapter: Florian Küchler, 2012, Religion in Moldau, in Handbuch der Religionen der Welt, Nordhausen, Bautz. (Link: Online Version)

Article: Matthias Guttke, Florian Küchler, Oksana Shvaika Ideological foundations of educational reforms in Ukraine, in: The Ideology and Politics Journal, Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 4–13. (Link: PDF)

Article: Florian Küchler, Matthias Guttke, Oksana Schwajka, Rolle vorwärts oder rückwärts? Hochschulreform in der Ukraine, in: Ukraine-Analysen, Nr. 90, 2011, pp. 2–6. (Link: PDF)

Book Review Editor of the "Cambridge Review of International Affairs" (journal), Vol. 19.1-20.1. (Link:

Book Review of:

Ivan Katchanovski, Cleft countries: regional political divisions and cultures in post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova, Stuttgart, ibidem, 2006, ISBN 389821558X (pbk), 296 pp.


Herman Pirchner, Jr, Reviving Greater Russia?: the future of Russia’s borders with Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine, Oxford, United Kingdom, University Press of America, 2005, ISBN 0761832009 (pbk), 74 pp.

Published in March 2007 in the "Cambridge Review of International Affairs" (journal), Vol. 20.1, together with a response by Ivan Katchanovski (Link:

Book Review of:

Andreas Menn, Konstruktion von Nation und Staat in Osteuropa: Transnistrien und die Republik Moldau, Saarbrücken, Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, ISBN 3836459221 (pbk), 112 pp.

Published in the February 2009 issue of the CEU Political Science Journal (Link: PDF).

Bachelor Thesis: "The Effects of International Relations on International Tourism in Romania" (Download)


Selected Media Appearances:

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